Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Year of losses

R.I.P. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He looks so happy and proud next to that scuplture. That train bike marks the entry point on the Mopac trail. The sculpture was made by my friends Brad and Michelle.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Monkey on my back

This is obviously a picture from a few years ago. I'm not in the blue stage of hair anymore.

Anyone got any ideas on what an eleven year old girl might want for Christmas?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Where is this?

Just so my blog is cool like everyone else's, I'm going to make an image hunting post.

So my pretties (and your little dog too,) where's this?

Come this Friday

Hookie with a cookie.

Try meeting at the first tree at 1pm.

We can discuss how all the cool kids get their hair cut by Clinton at IS salon.

I will tell you how Kurt Cobain stole IS from me and my mates.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Who's a big bad Bee?

She's the most precious kitty in the world. Until she doesn't get her way. Then it's "AAAAAAAaaa!" at the top of her lungs.

She never learned to meow.

After four years I finally taught her how to lean on a door and push it open.

When I'm on the phone, she'll follow me around cuz she thinks I'm talking to her. Oh Bee... 1 Kenobi.

OMFG! Look at that dork!

That was my "Bridgette Bardot" period. I actually had a road bike then.

There's Bee (white) and Winston (um... multiple spectrumed). Winston likes to be held under the arms and dangled in the air. He purrs so hard that he drools. Bee likes to say, "Ack!" all the time.

But, alas, no pets at my place.

It was interesting to learn that short loaf likes green ones. :p

Monday, December 11, 2006

Gonna miss these girls

They look like they'll miss me too.


This is it. The lamest blog ever created about hookie yet the greatest blog ever created about muppers.

BTW- Since when do girls know what T-64's are. That's just not right.