Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Garage or car hold... you decide

Be careful bikers.

Lincoln is heating up and so are driver's temper tantrums.

I crossed A street by the zoo yesterday. Didn't push the button cuz I could get across without disrupting traffic flow. One gentleman in a truck went by and thanked me with a, "You F*(%ing A&&H@^#!"

I gave him the peace sign which evoked a "F*(% Bastard!" He seemed enraged to the point of getting outta his truck with a tire iron and cracking my skull. I don't think he understands the peace sign at all.

That makes a lot of stories recently of drivers showing hatred towards bikers bordering on death threats.


Blogger Adrian Olivera said...

How did these idiots pass the driving test?
Instructor: Turn left here.
Idiot: F@%* You!

6:42 AM

Blogger monkeygirl said...

you know I have noticed that sometimes I get looks from cars, that I have in no way offended, and I think they see me and suffer a huge moment of self loathing, due to the gas cost. They are stuck I am not, they hate me. Idiots.

7:07 AM

Blogger nicol said...

That just makes me sad. :( Just like that story about teamFIRE and the truck, AND me getting hit the other day. So many people are just mean in their cars or cluelessly driving around and not paying attention at all, completely distracted by everything but the road. Scary.

8:57 AM

Blogger LoupGarou said...

That's why I just love hitting the crosswalk button at the A street crossing and the South street crossing.

Then again that doesn't really stop them sometimes. Some ding bat teenie bopper who was yammering on her cell phone ran the stop light and came within inches of running me over while I was rollerblading. She never saw me, even after the fact.

Hence, I will always hit the button every time. Some part of me thinks of it as a way to just annoy them.

10:25 AM


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