Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hot Cocoa Day

Milk or water
Dash of salt
I think that's it for ingredients...haven't made it in awhile, but it's tasty and since it's so cold outside, well, it just sounded appropriate and good.

Get a pan, pour in some milk (or water), heat it up on low heat, so it doesn't burn. Throw some cocoa in with a tiny bit of salt and then sweeten it with however much sugar suits your taste. I don't measure anything, sorry, just do it by taste. Keep stirring until all the lumpiness is gone and it looks smooth and creamy.

Then, if you are feeling REALLY eager, add some whipping cream to the top.

Here's what you do for that:

Mix real cream with some sugar (very little) and a dash of vanilla. Mix it up, using a mixer. I don't even have a mixer, so I do it all by hand, and that takes longer. When it's of the right 'whipped cream' consistency, then stick it in the fridge for a bit.

Obviously, you COULD just take a spoon and eat it like that, but the point of adding the whipped cream to this recipe post of the day was to say, it's good ON the hot chocolate, so when it's all ready, add the cream to the top of the hot chocolate and perhaps, if you feel so inclined, a dash of cinnamon as well.


Hot Chocolate Day.



Blogger gravy said...

When you say "real cream," are you talking about indian gum?

Oi vei!

1:25 PM

Blogger Adrian Olivera said...

Cream is KEY! You can't do hot chocolate without the whip!

6:25 AM

Blogger nicol said...

Yeppers, it's best with the whip. Just add on 2000 more calories, but oh well.

9:05 AM


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